GASPOL Team - Sky is not the limit!



21st European FAI Hot Air Balloon Championships

Name of competition: 21st European FAI Hot Air Balloon Championships
Place of event: Manacor (Mallorca)
Date of competition: 22nd – 27th October, 2019
Pilot: Arkadiusz Iwański
Position – result: 30th

Start in 21st European Hot Air Balloon Championships was the last important competition for GASPOL Team this year. Our crew went to Mallorca in good spirits, wishing for position in Top 20. Eventually this goal was unable to achieve. After five days of competitions, spoiled by uneven weather conditions, GASPOL Team took the 30th position among over 80 participants. Another chance to achieve better result in an international event will be next year, during 24th Hot Air Balloon World Championships in Murska Sobota (Slovenia).