GASPOL Team - Sky is not the limit!



The latest sport construction for GASPOL TEAM

In September, 2017 the GASPOL Team has been equipped with new balloon – Lindstrand Racer Signature Series 70. It's the first construction of its kind in the world.

Lindstrand Signature Series RACER is characterized by a safety of use and maximum performance.



  • envelope – 2,000 m3 (capacity)
  • 1 pilot and 2-3 passengers
  • smooth, 24-gore, slender construction
  • exclusive internal ring  
  • big inlet
  • optimized parachute vent
  • certified for vertical speeds 8.76 m/s (1,700 ft/min)
  • artwork made in an „inlayed” technology – reduced weight

Crème de la crème

For many years racers have been chosen by the best pilots in the world. They have specific slender shape, resembling a rugby ball, and are almost perfectly symmetrical at the top and the bottom, which allows to achieve similar parameters of ascending and descending.

During a quick ascend it is essential that the parachute valve won’t fall – partially nor completely – into the envelope inside. Special valve construction made by Lindstrand company, which transfers a big pressure from inside the envelope onto this element, lets the balloon ascend safely with high speed – even at 14 m/s (the official record of ascending and descending belongs to Racer hot-air balloon).

The internal ring located in the middle of the envelope, patented and used exclusively by Lindstrand company, allows a stable descend with a speed reaching even 14 m/s, while during a whole certified speed of ascending and descending ensures stability and safety without a “banana” effect and closing the envelope inlet. It also impacts the distribution of thermal performance inside the envelope. Furthermore, thanks to a proper structure and big size, the inlet isn’t exposed to easy burning.

What are sport balloons?

Hot-air balloons have various shapes, but if you see a narrow one similar to a drop, that means it’s a sport balloon.


Specificity of flying hot-air balloons is that they move with a speed and direction of wind. As these parameters change with a change of flight height, a very important factor during hot-air ballooning competitions is the time of height change, or achievable vertical speed.

Classic hot-air balloons achieve vertical speed, both upwards and downwards, up to 4 m/s. It is dictated by a shape and structure of a balloon. Sport balloons often double that speed. In order to achieve such extreme vertical speed, implementation of specific construction solutions is required.

In sport balloon not only a proper, slender shape is valued – it is also an optimal distribution of speed centre, as well as elimination of all possible dangers, e.g. falling the parachute valve inside the balloon during the fast ascend or “banana effect” during quick descend.