GASPOL Team - Sky is not the limit!



35th Polish Hot Air Balloon Championship, 28th Hot Air Balloon Leszno Cup

Name of competition: 35th Polish Hot Air Balloon Championship, 28th Hot Air Balloon Leszno Cup
Place of event: Leszno (Poland)
Date of competition: 4th – 7th September, 2019
Pilot: Arkadiusz Iwański
Position – result: 6th (Polish Championship)/11th (Leszno Cup)

After the last year’s bronze medal at the Polish Championships the GASPOL Team had an appetite to repeat that success or even win the silver/gold in Leszno. After the Friday’s morning flight our team was ranked second. Unfortunately, the competitions played in the evening of the same day didn’t run so well like Arkadiusz Iwański (our pilot) would have wished. Finally the GASPOL Team finished the Polish Championship on the sixth position, while in the Hot Air Balloon Leszno Cup (where the international teams took part) we were classified 11th.

Photo: Maciej Dziamski